Artist & Art Supporter

J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez

Marcelo - Panevezys Lithuania - When Half Life Crisis Idea was born

J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez

Marcelo BeeZee | Author, Multimedia & Web Developer

Learn about Marcelo BeeZee

Dreams do come true, so long we are awake enough to chase after them. I've seen that happen firsthand!

- J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez

Marcelo's Original Artwork

Marcelo's Articles Art

Symbolism behind each article image 

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Who is BeeZee?  

Marcelo "BeeZee" is Half Life Crisis' founder.
Marcelo is the founder of daughter-dad team to showcase their artistic style on a platform of their own and serve as a platform to artists and art lovers around the world!

Sammy Dad BeZee Dec 2022
J. Marcelo Baquerolvarez Half Life Crisis Autor / Multimedia Artist

Facts are logic, measurable, and demonstrable.  Otherwise, they it is conjecture.

- J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez "BeeZee"

BeeZee's Biography

J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez was born in San Francisco de Quito, Republic of Ecuador in 1978. He moved to Fort Lauderdale, FL - USA in 1995.  In the same city he graduated High School and College and co-founded Kika Screen Productions, INC., a video production and multimedia company with his family.  In 2003 he answered the call of duty and joined the United States Navy.  He spent 20+ plus years in uniform and will be retiring in April 2024.  

While serving in the Navy, he rose to the rank of Senior Chief.  Most importantly during his tenure he married his wife Alicia, who also retired from the US Navy as a Chief.  Alicia and Marcelo welcomed to the world their daughter Samantha. The family set roots in Chesapeake, VA-USA after finishing a multi-year tour of duty in Naples, Italy.

In 2013 Marcelo Founded BeeZee Vision, LLC with his brother David in Chesapeake, VA. The company specializes in Web Design and Development. The company does Customized Web services via and an automated web services marketplace via  The concept of BeeZee Vision started when Marcelo was stationed onboard USS LAKE ERIE CG 70 when it was home-ported in Hawaii.

In November 2020, Marcelo Launched Half Life Crisis to showcase his daughter Samatha artwork and as platform for his own writing and artistic expression.  The concept of Half Life Crisis started in 2011 when visiting friends in Lithuania.  Today Half Life Crisis audience has expanded to 79+ countries, and we are making updates to our website and social media presence. 

In 2023 Marcelo launched his first two books "AUTHORITARIANISM & PROPAGANDA The Puppet Master Tools" and "WOKE & PROUD The Charlatans' Inconvenience" - these books are two out of four manuscripts he completed while deployed, underway, and abroad onboard USS COLE DDG 67.  These books launched his new career as an author.

Marcelo has been an artist and a musician from a young age.  Under Half Life Crisis he writes insightful articles in exuberant detail about things that are affecting our world.  He is also an advocate for the arts and wants to leave a better for his daughter Sammy. 

US NAVY Senior Chief Baqueroalvarez in the Chief's Mess onboard USS COLE DDG 67

Departing the military service is a lot more cumbersome than most people realize.  Yes, that includes even those in uniform.  The day only has 24 hours, therefore Marcelo's focus shifted into becoming an Author.  This has been a long-lived dream of his.   That dream is now a reality, as his books are available most everywhere books are sold around the world!

But he realized soon enough that writing a book is one thing and making it available to the world is a whole other beast.  And in this learning curve he noticed that he could maximize this time and effort to hit several targets simultaneously for Half Life Crisis and BeeZee Vision, LLC as he brings his writing into the world. 


You are going to see a lot more engagement from Half Life Crisis in all their official social media.  The decision was made to take a steady pace, smoot is fast.  But it does take a loft of planning and effort.  That is why you are likely to see many changes in our site and social media platforms. 

The time in uniform is a jealous one.  Free time is at a premium at best. Days are never boring, but tasking is often time sensitive.  Half Life Crisis is only Marcelo and Sammy - and sometimes Alicia (when she checks Marcelo's idiomatic blunders). 

From all this, the master project has one thing in common.  Dedicate as much time as possible to Sammy.  The time in uniform has required Sammy to be exponentially patient while dad was gone.  Being an author and setting the ground for a sustainable future is the ultimate goal.!   HLC 


Our Original Books
Samantha Baqueroalvarez, Marcelo Baqueroalvarez from Half Life Crisis - books AUTHORITARIANISM & PROPGANDA The Puppet Master Tools and WOKE & PROUD The Charlatans' Inconvenience.
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Marcelo with his world - his two beloved girls, his daughter Sammy, and wife Alicia.

Marcelo is finishing a distinguished military career in the United States Navy.  But as he makes his way out into the world, he also built a future for his daughter.  That is why he founded BeeZee Vision, LLC in 2013, and subsequently he founded Half Life Crisis in 2020.  These are projects that he knew would take some time to grow and develop. 

As he retires from the US Navy, he finable able to afford the time to pursue these ventures in full force.  As this transition period is occurring, you will see a lot more engagement on Half Life Crisis and subsequently on BeeZee Vision, LLC.  At this time BeeZee Vison, LLC is on automatic mode (literally) under BZVweb, providing a digital web-based marketplace.  


HLC Panevėžys start of - - Our Story

Finally make time to do this 

Every story has a first page.  Well, this how Half Life Crisis started!  Although it did take a few years to moving it from my mind into the real world.

HLC BeeZee Vision, LLC - - Our Story

The story behind BeeZee Vision, LLC™

BeeZee Vision, LLC™ celebrated its 10-year anniversary earlier this year.  It was founded on July 15, 2013, but the concept behind it started in 2005.

Articles by Marcelo BeeZee

Samples of my writing & style

HLC Authoritarianism & Propaganda synopsis - - Original Book

Book Synopsis Authoritarianism & Propaganda

Authoritarianism & Propaganda the Puppet Master Tools is a mind-blowing historical analysis that teaches how to defeat propagandists before they galvanize.

HLC Artwork for my Wife - - Original Artwork

Original Artwork for my Wife FEB 2021

For this year’s Valentine’s Day, I panted a small two-piece collection for my wife.  This is depicting our lives from an abstract and subliminal manner.

HLC Remembering - - Our Story

Remembering Who I am Meant to Be

Sometimes we forget to live while making a living.  We can all be victims to that, I know I have.  But it is important to regain perspective and escape!

HLC Retirment countdown - - Our Story

My Retirement Countdown 365 days to go!

I have been waiting for this for a while – and from there will be some “waiting” to go.  But you know, retirement is on the horizon, and i love it!

Today in America 03MAR2024 - Half Life Crisis

Today in America | 03MAR2023...

There is so much occurring simultaneously in the national discourse that the truth tends to be muddied up.  Today I bring clarity to these many issues.

HLC Sammy & Dad - - Our Story

Being a dad to my daughter

Being a dad is the highlight of my life.  Why?  Because I have the privilege of being a dad to the most wonderful daughter a dad could ever wish for.

HLC Savings Challenge - - Our Story

2,400 Money Savings Challege

Saving money is wise no matter how rich you are.  And if you’re struggling, just imagine for a moment if you had a safety net set aside.  Here is a solution!

HLC Trump vs National Security - - Understanding History


If a person is adjudicated to view or handle classified information, there are many rules regarding this privilege.  Violating the rules is punitive.

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