ARTIST – Federico Verardi

Director of Photography and Cinematographer Federico Verardi is exceedingly talented in capturing awe-inspiring images on bit and small screen blockbusters!

Director of Photography / Cinematographer

Learn about Federico Verardi

*** Quote from Fede****


Translation video

**** Quote from somebody else in the industry 

Federico Verardi - Biography

Federico Verardi was born in Italy.    

**** the story about the company in 2-3 paragraphs. We can add photos, recommend doing IG squares because that way we can make a carrousel of images.  You can also add images about your crew & team.

*** There is going to be another fresh FilmoFilm head image, I\'ll swap it when I\'m done.  

**** Please let\'s set a date/time to chat and complete the page. Talk to you soon!

What is next? 

Federico Verardi

**** describe what for Fede for 2024 and beyond

****Caption For image (save for formating)
BeeZee Vision, LLC™ Portal

Getting to know the Artist

HLC Federico Verardi - - Arts Network

Federico Verardi was born in Italy. He is fluent English, Spanish and of course Italian. 

**** Add bio information (elevator speech) to have people get to know you better. 2-3 paragraphs. 

HLC Federico Verardi - - Arts Network

Welcoming Federico Verardi

We welcome Cinematographer Federico Verardi to our Arts Network!  You might have witnessed Federico’s talent behind the camera in several Hollywood productions!

Getting to know the Artist

Articles Mentioning Federico Verardi

HLC Federico Verardi - - Arts Network

Welcoming Federico Verardi

We welcome Cinematographer Federico Verardi to our Arts Network!  You might have witnessed Federico’s talent behind the camera in several Hollywood productions!


Welcoming Federico Verardi

HLC Federico Verardi - - Arts Network
HLC Federico Verardi - - Arts Network

We welcome Cinematographer Federico Verardi to our Arts Network!  You might have witnessed Federico’s talent behind the camera in several Hollywood productions!


Skillful Talent.

Federico Verardi was born in Italy, he lives in Hollywood, CA – but his story is like a fascinating book that is both inspiring and a page-turner!  I’ve met my good friend Fede in the early 2000’s through a mutual friend in our Arts Network.  He too was attending the same college.  Talking about lasting friendships!

Fede was always a multi-talented individual.  His eye for photography is superb.  He is the kind of person who can turn even the most mundane subject through his viewfinder into a jaw-dropping piece of visual art.  I’m not sure how he does it, but I’ve seen it in person, and it is both impressive and inspiringly-fascinating.

I can recall hundreds if not thousands of anecdotes we’ve shared with Fede throughout the years, and all of them bring a smile to my face.  Not only is he a phenomenal professional when it comes to his artistic craft, but he is also one of the most genuine and all-around awesome people I’ve ever met.  And I am so proud that we are friends.

In the last several years, it seems that each time we’ve got a chance to meet it is somewhere else on the planet.  I remember a time we’ve met at his home-town in Italy, around the time I was stationed there, but we’ve also met in Washington State.  And before that we’ve met in Virginia, in Florida, and even in California.  He is after all a busy man, and his skills are in high demand.

Here is the direct link to his website.  There is a lot there to discover, and you’ll understand why words alone cannot encompass his motion picture and cinematographic talent.

HLC Federico Verardi - - Arts Network
HLC Federico Verardi - - Arts Network
Movie Director Of Photography | Federico Verardi Cinematography

Bringing Federico Verardi to our Arts Network.

When Half Life Crisis started the Arts Network, I mentioned that I wanted to showcase people and entities who have been highly influential in my life.  Fede has been one of those inspiring individuals and life-long friends who I am privileged to have known, and honored to welcome into our Arts Network.

Fede pursuit of his dreams is inspiring in so many levels.  There is something to be said about the passion he puts into his work.  And seeing it also from a spectator’s perspective, when you see those wonderful images on screen, and wonder – who captured that scene on film?  And then I read on the credits and seeing my friend’s name on the screen, it makes me smile and be in awe to see how his work has been immortalized, viewed, and enjoyed by millions of people – including me of course.

As with every member in the Half Life Crisis Arts Network, Fede’s landing page will feature a compendium of the many examples where you have witnessed his work on the big and small screen.  To me it is another way to say thank you for his life-long friendship, and my opportunity to humbly brag about my friend’s uncanny talent.  Once again, we welcome Cinematographer Federico Verardi to our Arts Network team! HLC

Welcoming Dr. Fernando Hidalgo Nistri!

HLC Dr Fernando Hidalgo Nistri - - Arts Network
HLC Dr Fernando Hidalgo Nistri - - Arts Network

We welcome Doctor in History Fernando Hidalgo Nistri!  Author of several academic-level books and articles in Europe and South America.


Wordsmith Talent and Legacy.

Dr. Fernando Hidalgo Nistry, to me is also affectionately known as “Tío” because he also happens to be my uncle.  He is my mother’s first cousin, and one of the most complexly fascinating people I’ve ever met in my life.  You’ll see why in a moment as you read my words today.

For as long as I can remember, my uncle Fernando was what is known as an exceedingly smart person.  One of my earliest memories of him is when I was possibly four or five years old.  He was pointing to the stars on the night-sky to the other grownups in attendance at a family event at his father’s state.  I remember my uncle naming all the constellations and celestial bodies, and going into exquisite detail about their orbit patterns and a lot of other facts.

As I was growing up, he was also the kind of uncle that would give you a pop quiz about all kinds of stuff that cultured people are supposed to know.  For example, he would ask me “what’s the capital of Portugal?”  I think we've got along well, because I was able to reply confidently “Lisbon.”

He would also be the kind of uncle who would teach us and expect us to understand a vernacular that was both descriptive and academic.  I don’t know for certain if everybody understood the way his words always seemed to have a deeper connotation.  His personality is very unique.  Extremely professional, and down-two-Earth to the point he “tells it as he sees it.”  Very uniquely balanced, and it works!

A worldly man, he enjoys traveling – but he calls the beautiful city of Seville in Spain his home.  He constantly asks me to go visit him, and I should take him up on that.  I went to Seville when my grandmother was alive, and she took us to Europe.  It was an unforgettable trip, a lot has changed I’m sure, because I was a teenager at the time.  We’ve tried to coincide, but when I was in Europe, he was somewhere else on the planet, yet we get to chat once in a while, and I always look forward to our conversations.

We have a lot in common with my uncle Fernando, he loves photography, and writing, and science, and history, and actually intellectually stimulating conversations… and for what I’ve heard, people also seen to find us very amusing to be around.  I can tell you that my uncle is very fun to be around.  His quick wit and personality would be disorienting in a good way, because it would bring a very interesting level of introspection to those around him.

HLC Book by Fernando Hidalgo Nistri - - Arts Network
HLC Book by Fernando Hidalgo Nistri - - Arts Network
You can buy this I'm holding in my hand and others at this link:

When you get to read his books and articles, then it becomes evident the exceedingly intricate complexity of his mind.  His books are written in his first language, which is Spanish – and if you’re a Spanish speaker (like myself) – yes, you need to read them all.  It will blow your mind, and you will learn a lot of new words.  I know I have.  As I said on the onset, his style is at the academic level of writing.

It is a joy to read, but you’re also learning so much from every sentence.  And by this, I mean you might need to read it slowly because his wordsmith is so well crafted that if you do it as casual reading you will miss a lot of details in the process.  My uncle speaks several languages, but for some reason English was not his favorite language.

I’ll be honest, can’t blame him because each language has a different level of intricacy when it comes to its vernacular, grammar, and how these factors can express complex ideas more succinctly, whilst being highly descriptive.  It's not a diss on the English language, but think about it as different tools.

The language's’ grammar is directly linked to the culture, and even a word-for-word translation might be widely different from what it was originally written.  That is why there is a huge difference between “translation” and “interpretation.”

With his permission, I’ll do my best to try make an English version of his writing, for any non-Spanish speakers.  I’ll caveat, that I might not be able to make it full justice to it.  Much like when you translate the lyrics of a song from one language to another… sometimes they don’t have quite the effect as the original.

HLC Fernando Hidalgo Nistri - - Arts Network
HLC Fernando Hidalgo Nistri - - Arts Network

Bringing History Doctor Fernando Hidalgo Nistri to our Arts Network.

When Half Life Crisis started the Arts Network , I mentioned that I wanted to showcase people and entities who have been highly influential in my life.  My uncle Fernando is one of those people.  This is my way to thank him for all that he’s inspired me in my life for so many years, and hope that his words will inspire our readers as well.

History, critical thinking, intellectual honesty, and art are so important in how we continue culturally evolving as civilized societies.  We’ve lost a lot of that in the last several years.  One of the best ways to learn from history is by listening to the historians who were there!  And my uncle Fernando is one of those people who has tirelessly captured those important moments in our history.

But he is even more complex than a historian, he also has a phenomenal eye for photography and captures images that are documentaries of beauty some take for granted, yet it is part of our lives.

My uncle Fernando will also have his own landing page in our Half Life Crisis Arts Network section.  The page will also be featuring his books, and how to acquire them.  As well as many links to his articles and examples of his photography.  I know you will find him as fascinating as I have.  Welcome once again Tío Fernando to our Arts Network team! HLC

Welcoming the Mdmuller Group!

HLC Mdmuller Group - - Arts Network
HLC Mdmuller Group - - Arts Network
We welcome the Mdmuller Group and founder Max Donoso Muller to our Half Life Crisis Arts Network!  The Mdmuller group is a media conglomerate based in Ecuador.  

Technical Expertise.

To understand the Mdmuller Group, you first need to understand the man behind the project.  I’m talking about my old friend Maximiliano Donoso Muller, or affectionately known by his friends as Max.  Simple described, Max is an awesome guy. We’ve known each other since I was a teenager, but we became good friends in college. Max’s passion was radio and communications.  My earlier memories of Max are when we attended the same high school in Ecuador.  He was in a class a couple of years ahead of mine.  And even back then, he had his characteristic outgoing personality.  Max is the kind of person who will tell it straight, and I’ve always appreciated that about him. Fast forward a few years, and we’ve met in my now-former-home-town… the world-class city of Fort Lauderdale.  We both attended college in the same city, and we even had a couple of classes together, as Max was pursuing higher education in Broadcasting, and I was pursuing Video Production.  We made a good team, and I have many fond memories of our time at school. College was easy for Max, as he had a natural talent for what he wanted to communicate.  And he did!  Very eloquent, and truth-to-be-told, very unapologetically, yet professional.  He always balanced this very well, and I remember really enjoying seeing his interactions.  It is no surprising to me to see him develop such a complex conglomerate like the Mdmuller Group. Max has a wide range of interests, but from the onset, it seems to me that Radio is still his ultimate passion.  And that makes sense, because through the voice of radio, a lot of the other distractors are mitigated… you get to pay attention to what is being said.  No matter the topic; whether it be politics, art, music, opinion, etc.  the Mdmuller Group has established itself as a frontrunner in Ecuador and beyond. As I’ve been catching up with Max and his adventures, I’m not surprised of how much he has achieved.  He had the plan from the start, and he’s been building and executing this gigantic project.  There is always something to say about the person with the vision.  That’s my friend Max, and it is an honor to reconnect with him.  
HLC Max Donoso Mueller - - Arts Network
Max Donoso Muller from the Mdmuller Group
  Here are some of the websites under the Mdmuller Group Mdmuller Group Mdmuller Radio Opinion Politica  

Bringing The Mdmuller Group into the Arts Network.

When Half Life Crisis started the Arts Network, I wanted to create an exclusive club of people to whom I have a lot of professional respect, and human-level affection for.  It is very exciting for me to see how people whom we used to hang out with a lot at some point in my life moved on towards very different paths.  And it is even more exciting when we get to reconnect. My artistic life, and relevant pursuits took a 20+ sabbatical while I was serving with Mother Navy here in the USA.  And now that I am out, I also get to see how wonderfully my friends have been doing in the pursuit of their dreams while I was away.  I am so happy to tell their story.  And their story is always fascinatingly unique.  Since we’ve reconnected, I have to admit that I’ve been binge reading so much about what Max and his Mdmuller Group have achieved.  It is mind-bendingly awesome. The Mdmuller Group featuring Max will also have their exclusive landing page in our Half Life Crisis Arts Network.  This network is also part of the forthcoming BeeZee Vision, LLC Professional Network.  What is all that?  Well, you’ve probably heard about Artificial Intelligence (AI), and how somehow actual air-breathing professionals could be threatened by it.  To oversimplify, I want to leverage AI and the technology under my virtual infrastructure in a way that expands talent, but not replaces it. Art in all its forms has something unique.  It captures a fleeting moment in time with the artists – yet this art is perpetuated through their captured media.  Even if this capture is only a brain-memory of a live performance. The Mdmuller Group is one of those entities that captures art in so many different ways and communicates it to a larger audience.  As we continue this journey with our Arts Network, I want to welcome my friend Max once again and his Mdmuller Group to our combined networking team!  HLC  

Welcoming David R. Baquero Alvarez

HLC David Baquero BeeZee Vision, LLC - - Arts Network
HLC David Baquero BeeZee Vision, LLC - - Arts Network

We welcome David R. Baquero Alvarez from BeeZee Vision, LLC to the Half Life Crisis Arts Network!  David is my brother, and a proficient multimedia artist!


Technical Talent.

The Half Life Crisis Artists Network would ultimately not be possible if it was not for “Dave.”  Dave is the multimedia and web developer who tuned up the engine that powers Half Life Crisis.  This website falls under the BeeZee Vision, LLC purview under BZVweb.  In other words, in order to make this message available to the world, it needs the technical factor.  And I say factor because it is a multiplier.

Dave graduated High School when he was 16 years old, and started his Bachelors in Multimedia.  Dave demonstrated an affinity for technology long before he attended college.  It was not unusual to see him disassembling all kinds of technical gadgets and electronics when he was a kid.  Of course, he also reassembled them back together.  He keeps doing that disassembling and reassembling of gadgets to this day, except that this time he does so professionally.  Talk about finding your call-in life early on, huh?

Even before he graduated college, he was already performing his duties as the multimedia specialist in our family-owned video production and web development company.  He then founded his own web development company, where he performed multimedia and computer-repair functions.  In 2013 he co-founded BeeZee Vision, LLC in Chesapeake, VA-USA.  He kept the pulse on BeeZee Vision, LLC ever since.  As the company is recalibrating for its 11th year anniversary he remains the technical expert behind it.

If you want to see examples of his multimedia and web development acumen, look no further than the actual websites he has created and maintained.  The uncanny level of design and complexity carry his trademark technical expertise behind it.

BZV LLC David CTO - profile - - Arts Network
BZV LLC David CTO - profile - - Arts Network

Bringing David R. Baquero into the Arts Network.

When Half Life Crisis started the Arts Network, Dave was already an integral part of the process in the sense that BZVweb, and BeeZee Vision, LLC are the heartbeat which powers  With that said, this gives us an opportunity to speak about the person behind the company’s technical heartbeat.

This article is meant to talk about him as the person who also co-owns BeeZee Vision, LLC.  Dave is actually very modest when it comes to his achievements, and he’s not the type of person who will boast about them.  Although he is a savvy and laborious entrepreneur, he prefers a low-key lifestyle where he can bask on his many hobbies and interests without interruptions.  He enjoys his tranquility, and quite frankly, who can blame him?

Dave is also under the BeeZee Vision, LLC landing page in our Arts Network, and all the websites under the BeeZee Vision, LLC network.  Although Dave is very personable, he is also a private person.  The best way to get to know him is professionally through the project-development options listed under BeeZee Vision, LLC.

Dave has already been welcomed to the Half Life Crisis Arts Network.  He is literally family, my brother, and I am very proud that he is also part of our family team!  HLC

ARTIST – Karla Armas

Karla Armas is an inspiring writer, poet, communicator, and author from the Republic of Ecuador.  We are excited to share her story in our Arts Network!

Author & Writer, Poet, and Communicator

Learn about Karla

This book makes me say I love the write, but it is something I was putting aside. 

Libros que nos Salvan: Pez Amapola -Entrevista con Karla Armas para Ecuasonka (Spanish)

Books that save us: Pez Amapola - Interview with Karla Armas for Ecauasonka.

Final - Karla Armas (Spanish)

Karla Armas reads her poem titled Final

HIstorias Chiquitas - Karla Armas, escritora (Spanish)

Little Stories: Karla Armas, writer

Quito Blues 2021 Martes 17. Poesía Luz Salazar Karla Armas Ma Corona Workshop L. Montenegro Barbosa (Spanish)

Quito Blues 2021 Tuesday. Poetry Luz salazar, Karla Arms, Maria Corona Workshop L. Monenegro Barbosa

The book PEZ AMAPOLA reunites 22 poems masterfully written to tear the air through your heart, while breaking the fear of the written word. Karla Armas is a writer with a sharp sense of irony. She is fearless against criticism, and she keeps an intact tenor on her voice, even in the midst of a generation with proclivity to faddish reading, and obscurity.

Spanish-English interpretation by HLC™

PEZ AMAPOLA reúne 22 poemas para \"escribir y rasgar el aire del corazón y romer el miedo a decir\". Karla Armas (1978) es de aquellas escritoras que tienen afilado el sentido de la ironía.  Desrendida del miedo de la cítica, conserva intacto el tono de su voz en medio de una generación proclive a la lectura de moda y el cumplido obscuro.

Original Spanish Text

Karla - Biography

Karla Armas was born in San Franciso de Quito, Republic of Ecuador.  The same city where she resides with her three sons.  She is a writer, poet, communicator, and the author of her poetry book Pez Amapola. 

She has performed her poetry at the National Level in the Republic of Ecuador in a number of recitals.  Her words have also been featured in collections by contemporary poets and have even been featured poetry magazines from Mexico, and Italy. 

Karla has been a judge in numerous poetry contests in centers of education, and the Ministry of Culture in the Republic of Ecuador.  Her poetry has also been translated to Italian and was invited to participate at La Lira, which is one of the most important poetry festivals in Ecuador! 

What is next? 

Karla is expanding her inspiring words to the international stage. This includes the USA, though the Half Life Crisis Arts Network.  Art in all its forms meant to be shared with the world.  Writing in particular transcends time and the nature lives from the authors.

Although Karla primary writes in Spanish as her native tongue, she is fluent in English.  Through the Arts Network we will continue to expand her linguistic reach and bring her words to a larger audience.   

Meanwhile, in Ecuador, for 2024 Karla is preparing her second book which will be a collaboration featuring 20 poems with 20 artistic paintings created by Diana Armas.  This is the first artistic collaboration with her sister.

Karla Armas and sister Diana Armas

Karla is also preparing a book comprised of various short stories. For this project she is working as the editor and literary agent featuring two writers.

Karla was invited to the Half Life Crisis™ Arts network due to her inspiring story.  You will also see examples of her writing on original articles to be featured under Original Articles in our Half Life Crisis page.  Karla is also part of the expanding BeeZee Vision, LLC™ network which will be featuring artistic professionals from around the world! 

Follow Karla on her Instagram and WhatsApp accounts. Bookmark this page.  If you need to commission a project with Karla, please contact her directly.  And to support the artists, please share this page with all your friends!

Karla Armas has also served as an art instructor at LA METRO.  This depiction is a gift by one of her students.
Photo Credit to Gabriela Toro on twitter (X) @toroyagluila
Link to Buy Book
BeeZee Vision, LLC™ Portal

Getting to know the Artist 

Karla Armas is also a mother to three boys, who are her pride and joy.  Karla personifies candor through her magnetic personality. 

Karla has a passion for art in general.  In her own words, she said she could not live without the music and the movies!  Karla has worked in institutions and spaces dedicated to culture.  Another of her greatest passions is to assume the role as a producer and project development for other artists.

She is a sensitive person, who loves spending time with her loved ones, and she also loves cooking! 

Link to Buy Book
HLC Karla Armas writer - - Arts Network

Welcoming Author Karla Armas

We welcome Author Karla Armas to the Half Life Crisis Arts Network.  Karla is a writer, poet, communicator, and author of “Pez Amapola,” a poetry book!

Article & Video from Primicias Ecuador

Karla Armas was featured among other authors to talk about her debut poetry book PEZ AMAPOLA.  This piece was released originally on September 22, 2019 (this content is in Spanish).

Getting to know the Artist

Articles Mentioning Karla Armas

HLC Karla Armas writer - - Arts Network

Welcoming Author Karla Armas

We welcome Author Karla Armas to the Half Life Crisis Arts Network.  Karla is a writer, poet, communicator, and author of “Pez Amapola,” a poetry book!

HLC Karla Armas writer - - Arts Network


Author Karla Armas from the Half Life Crisis Arts Network.  will have her own collum with original articles in Spanish and translated to English! Bookmark this page, because there is a lot on store for 2024!   

Welcoming Author Karla Armas

HLC Karla Armas writer - - Arts Network
HLC Karla Armas writer - - Arts Network

We welcome Author Karla Armas to the Half Life Crisis Arts Network.  Karla is a writer, poet, communicator, and author of “Pez Amapola,” a poetry book!


Authenticity and talent.

Karla Armas was born in San Franciso de Quito, Republic of Ecuador, and she is currently a communicator who specializes in captivating through writing.  I’ve known Karla for more than 30 years.  We used to be classmates in High School, and memorably we used to sit next to one another during our “typing” class, as the seats were assigned in alphabetical order.

Little did I know that decades later, one of the things we have in common is our ability and love for written-word expression; and yes, most certainly through typing.  Karla is known for her candor and magnetic personality.  She is the mother of three handsome boys, who share the same candor as their mother Karla.  It has been said her children become a testament to her gregarious authenticity.

Karla became a personal inspiration to me when she wrote her inspiring poetry book "Pez Amapola" in 2019.  We were both born in July of the same year, and she mentioned as one of the reasons to write her book “Because the 40’s have arrived” – meaning that she was about to celebrate her 40th birthday.

She went on to say that she toiled with the idea of writing her book for a while, but everything else seemed to take priority, and somehow this project was becoming every so elusive.  And finally, the circumstances were such as to take that crucial step and become an author!  Karla wanted to ensure this literary goal was accomplished, she did.  Her book is a legacy to demonstrate that elusive “future goals” that seem out of reach can indeed become true.

This "dream-come-true-pursuit" message resonated loudly and clear with me.  I too had a lot of projects that were in the back burner, and life was getting on the way, pushing these goals perpetually to the right.  Karla’s inspiring story was one of the factors that also made me start Half Life Crisis, and years after I am honored to write about Karla, and welcome her into our Arts Network.

Pez-Amapola by Karla Armas - image by Primicias Ecuador

Bringing Karla into our Arts Network.

When Half Life Crisis started the Art Network, I wanted to do so by invitation to people and entities who had a profound effect I my life, and who also are life example of what Half Life Crisis is all about.  Half Life Crisis does not equal “Midlife-Crisis” – but it is rather a realization that often life moves very fast, and our very existence tends to be left behind.

Art in all its forms has always been an important factor in my life, and I say factor because art is a multiplier.  Karla’s book is available for sale on in local libraries in Ecuador, on selected international online retailers, and can inquire directly through the author about the book.  You can see links in her Half Life Crisis Artist Network page on this site.  Karla has her own landing page in the Half Life Crisis Arts Network.  Her book poetry “Pez Amapola” is also featured at the Sammy Baqueroalvarez ART GALLERY, also hosted by Half Life Crisis.

"Pez Amapola" is not the typical poetry book; it is also a self-biographical journey that can guide others to pursue and reach their elusive selves.  The difference is its beauty is expressed through poetry.  The book is in Spanish, as Karla is a Spanish-speaking author.  Karla is fluent in English, but as she resides in Ecuador, we are another link to the English-speaking audiences.

On her landing page you will have access to see a snapshot of Karla’s many literary accomplishments, links to interviews, videos, and most of her preferred social media accounts, a biography, examples of her art, and so much more.  Part of the Half Life Crisis Arts Network is to showcase talented artists by giving them a platform, and have them pair up with art lovers, who are also art supporters in any capacity relevant to their industry.

There are many ways to support artists.  Buying or commissioning their art directly is certainly one way, but also by helping them promote their talent to others who might have not been lucky to enjoy it yet.  The latter is crucial to help them gain clout and exposure.  And yes, that can be as easy as sharing this page with everyone you know.  That’s a free and effective way to support artists!

With that we welcome Karla Armas to our Arts Network.  Don’t forget to check out the landing page dedicated to Karla on our website and the exhibit about her “Pez Amapola” poetry book.  Just click this link to learn more, and please share it with everyone you know.  Art is meant to be appreciated, and the more eyes can lay on her literary pieces, the more it will allow her to continue expressing her artistic talent.  HLC

ARTIST – Silvia Sevilla Tinajero

Silvia Sevilla is an inspiring artistic painter.  Her unique artwork style captivates international audiences.  We welcome Silvia into our Arts Network!

HLC Silvia Sevilla

Artistic Painter [surrealistic & expressionist]

Learn about Silvia

Visit Silvia Sevilla Exhibit 
 Artwork - All rights Reserved ©2019-2024 Silvia Sevilla

Artwork frames for reference only.

Painting is a road of magical and healing. Through the use of colors, it allows me to link towards the true feeling of living at peace.  

HLC Art Gallery Piece 77

MÁGIA - The artwork that started this journey.

When Silvia re-started her passion to express herself through paining as a full-time artist, this was her first piece. This is mixed media, which combines colors, textures (with literal sand) as a lady who is swimming towards the light to express the beaty she has witnessed below the waves for a fleeting moment.

This painting is part of Half Life Crisis­™ founder J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez, and it is a daily reminder that dreams do come through. As que added her early work to our private collection, we wanted to share her talent with the world through our Arts Network.

Check her more of her inspiring artwork by visiting the Silvia Sevilla Exhibit hosted in the Sammy Baqueroalvarez Art Gallery.  

Visit Silvia Sevilla Exhibit 

As an artist it is always worth to keep creating and defeat the fear of giving up.

Silvia Sevilla Instagram photo - - Arts Network

Silvia - Biography

Silvia Magdalena Sevilla Tinajero was born the Republic of Ecuador. From an early age she was inspired about art in general but was truly captivated by artistic painting. She was originally influenced by her parents and relatives who were also artistically inclined. Her passion for artistic painting eventually became her life calling and career.  

What is next? 

Silivia is known for pouring her heart and soul in the pursuit of her artistic dreams.  2024 will be a very exciting year for Silvia.  This prompted others artist to gravitate in collaboration to her artistic projects. 

Silvia is taking central role in the upcoming musically inspired art exposition.  The event will take place at La Casa De la Cultura Ecuatoriana. This is the main cultural and arts hub in the entire Republic of Ecuador!

Silvia painted a collection of inspiration by several national and international artists.  Many whom will be also performing the first day of the event.  Through her paintings Silvia captures the unique story from each musician. Their pure essence through their unique contribution, and artistic expression.

Every artist is depicted in with her uniquely captivating surrealistic and expressionistic painting style.  All featured artists all have something in common, they use music as healing method for the soul.

This an exhibit will be like no other as it artistically juxtaposes sound, and the peace of silence. Both elements integral on a music score, as Both harmonize in balance within the millions of proportional musical combinations. A truly inspiring event, not only suitable for musicians, but for everyone!

On April 20, 2024, the expo opening day, several depicted musicians will perform in a small concert at the event. Follow Silvia on social media as she will be adding daily updates about her and all participants.

Silvia is the first artist we welcomed to the Half Life Crisis Arts Network and the BeeZee Vision, LLC™ Professional Network.  You can visit her virtual gallery here, or by clicking on the green button on screen. 

She will be promoting her Circles Collection in the USA in May 2024.  You will be able to view them, reserve, or purchase each piece (or all) through Silvia Sevilla Exhibit, which is part of the Sammy Baqueroalvarez Art Gallery. 

Visit Silvia Sevilla Exhibit 
Link to Buy Art

Getting to know the Artist 

Silvia Sevilla was born in the Republic of Ecuador, and through her life she has traveled the world.  Her unique artwork has been appreciated internationally.

Silvia is a single mother of two boys, and they are her whole world!  Silvia has an introverted personality.  She finds peace when connected with nature, and through the practice of yoga and meditation. 

Her innate candor and her concealed extroversion sprouts whenever she finds herself around family and friends.  You can see this extroversion being manifested through her art.  Silvia enjoys and draws inspiration from art in all its forms. 

This deep connection allows Silvia to find that pure essence that many casual observers might not realize exists.  That is yet another reason why you will find an individually spiritual connection through her painting.  

Visit Silvia Sevilla Exhibit 
HLC Silvia Sevilla Magia - - Original Art

Silvia Sevilla Original Art

I’ve been friends with Silvia Sevilla for more than 30 years!  She is an inspiring artist whose mesmerizing style of painting is as timeless as our friendship!

HLC Silvia Sevilla mural - - Original Art

Welcoming Artist Silvia Sevilla

We welcome Artist Silvia Sevilla to the Half Life Crisis Arts Network.  Silvia is a talented painter whose artwork has been exhibited in many major cities!

Getting to know the Artist

HLC Silvia Sevilla Magia - - Original Art

Silvia Sevilla Original Art

I’ve been friends with Silvia Sevilla for more than 30 years!  She is an inspiring artist whose mesmerizing style of painting is as timeless as our friendship!

HLC Silvia Sevilla mural - - Original Art

Welcoming Artist Silvia Sevilla

We welcome Artist Silvia Sevilla to the Half Life Crisis Arts Network.  Silvia is a talented painter whose artwork has been exhibited in many major cities!

Welcoming Artist Silvia Sevilla

HLC Silvia Sevilla mural - - Original Art
HLC Silvia Sevilla mural - - Original Art

We welcome Artist Silvia Sevilla to the Half Life Crisis Arts Network.  Silvia is a talented painter whose artwork has been exhibited in many major cities!


Authenticity and talent.

Silvia Magdalena Sevilla Tinajero, who is also known as “Silvia S.” produces unique artwork in her trademark style.  With each piece she tells you a story that focuses on the artwork’s central figure, and develops the character in a way that expands far beyond what meets the eye.  The more you look at her paintings, the more it communicates with the beholder.

There is something to be said about the difference between “generic artisans,” and the true essence of a one-of-a-kind piece.  The latter is a snapshot of time that transmits the artist's description of their state of mind and the way they saw the world at that moment.  This one-of-a-kind moment is not replicable, much like a moment that is fleeting in our memories.  We might be able to try to relieve that memory, but it will be a different version of a past event that will not return in the exact manner.  With original artwork it is similar, but more complex.

All artwork rights reserved under copyright © 2020-2024 to Silvia Magdalena Sevilla Tinajero.
HLC Art Gallery Piece 56- - Silvia Sevilla original Art

Silvia’s artwork is a labor of love, and pictures do not make it justice to what you can see in the real piece.  The level of texture and layering of color is very particular to her style.  I personally have two of her original early work pieces in my art collection.  The expression on her artwork characters evokes a myriad of emotions that connect with the audience at a very personal level.  Yes, each person will have those emotions surface in a very unique manner, as the person itself.

What does that mean?  It means that Silvia’s art connects with a person’s emotional state, and reflects upon how they perceive her artwork in their own lives!  Also, this interpretation will be dynamic.  What does that mean?  It means that it awakens a deeper gamma of emotions based on how the person admiring her work is feeling that day.  That’s the true expression of an artist, because communication is perpetually active.

  HLC Art Gallery Piece 70 - - Silvia Sevilla original Art  

Bringing Silvia into our Arts Network.

When the Half Life Crisis team started the Art Network, we knew from the start that we wanted to invite Silvia into our community.  I’ve known Silvia for more than 30 years, and I remember when she started her passion for painting, and when her passion reignited a few years back.  That is one of the reasons why I own two of her early works paintings in my private collection.HLC Art Gallery Piece 62 - - Silvia Sevilla original Art

Art is meant to be appreciated and shared.  The level of audience might be discerning or widely encompassing.  But the common denominator is that it becomes an everlasting time capsule into the artist's life, which is meant to transcend their very existence on Earth.  That moment in time will live forever, and sharing that moment with the artist is something that might be replicated in similarity [as far as trying to copy it], but it will always be unique.

From the time we acquired Silvia’s paintings to our private collection, she has continued to impress audiences in the USA, especially in the states of Florida and New York, and of course in her home country Ecuador.  We are also featuring her artistic pieces in our very own Sammy Baqueroalvarez ART GALLERY, which is part of the Half Life Crisis Arts Network.  You will be able to appreciate and buy those pieces directly from Silvia through our site.

Another thing you will be able to do is get in contact with Silvia to commission original artwork, and follow her on her social media.  Part of the Half Life Crisis Arts Network is to showcase talented artists by giving them a platform, and have them pair up with art lovers, who are also art supporters in any capacity relevant to their industry.

HLC Art Gallery Piece 53 - - Silvia Sevilla original Art

There are many ways to support artists.  Buying their art directly is certainly one way, but also by helping them promote their talent to others who might have not been lucky to enjoy it yet.  The latter is crucial to help them gain clout and exposure.  And yes, that can be as easy as sharing this page with everyone you know.  That’s a free and effective way to support artists!

With that we welcome Silvia Sevilla to our Arts Network.  There is a full landing page dedicated to Silvia Sevilla on our website and an exhibit about her artwork.  Just click this link to learn more, and please share it with everyone you know.  Art is meant to be appreciated, and the more eyes can lay on her pieces, the more it will allow her to continue creating her one-of-a-kind artwork.  HLC

HLC Sammy Art Gallery * - Art Gallery
HLC Sammy Art Gallery * - Art Gallery


BeeZee Vision, LLC™ is a multimedia and web development company based in Chesapeake, is powered by BeeZee Vision, via BZVweb™.

Professional Multimedia & Web Development Services

With an Artistic Touch!

Learn about BeeZee Vision, LLC™

BeeZee Vision, LLC™ was created to provide professional and artistic multimedia services from concept to completion.

Photos from BeeZee Vision, LLC™ 6th Anniversary
\"Vintage\" 2014 BeeZee Vision, LLC™ -Sammy & Marcelo
\"Vintage\" 2014 BeeZee Vision, LLC™ -BZV Reward$

BeeZee Vision, LLC™ is about artistic expression through technological means.

BeeZee Vision, LLC™ timeline & story

BeeZee Vision, LLC™ was founded in the City of Chesapeake, Virginia, in the United States of America on Monday, July 15, 2013.  Founder J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez teamed up with his brother David. R. Baquero Alvarez to this end.  The company was originally incorporated to provide professional web development and computer repair services.  Since then, the company has evolved and today provides a gamma of multimedia and web development services with an artistic touch!


The original idea about BeeZee Vision started while Marcelo, was stationed in Hawaii onboard USS LAKE ERIE (CG 70).  Even before his time in the U.S. Navy, Marcelo was avid artists; particularly focused in visual arts, such as photography, videography, and graphic design.  Because of his military duties, BeeZee Vision, was yet another goal earmarked to an indefinite future.  The project, however, was never forgotten, but Marcelo knew that technology was going to improve when the right time would arrive to make this project a reality.  It was wise to wait.

This was especially true, because after his three-year tour of duty in Hawaii, he was then assigned to what ended up being a four-year tour of duty in Italy.  He returned to the United States near the end of 2011, and in 2023 BeeZee Vision, LLC™ was finally incorporated, though the early planning processes for BeeZee Vision were well underway by early 2022.  Both David and Marcelo had worked together in a previous company their family co-owned for six years in Florida.  They parted separated ways when Marcelo enlisted in the U.S. Navy and David created his own multimedia company.

After David moved to Virginia, from Ecuador the brothers embarked in this new company (BeeZee Vision, LLC™) in the United States.  Unfortunately, their mother became terminally ill while visiting Ecuador, rendering her unable to fly back to the United States.  The decision was made for David to move back to Ecuador to take care of their mother.  This is the reason why an independent branch known as BeeZee Vision – Ecuador was created.  This was a de-facto independent franchise, and was governed under the franchise’s own rules, based on Ecuadorian laws.  Marcelo kept BeeZee Vision, LLC™ in the USA, and had no direct role for the BeeZee Vision – Ecuador, other than brand policy oversight.

David took charge of the BeeZee Vision – Ecuador office, and temporarily added Digital Marketing to the roster of services.  Another service that was also offered in relationship to Digital Marketing that was 360° photography and virtual reality.  This service included also aerial and underwater recording services under what was later known as BZVR360™.  After their mother passed away, David returned to Virginia, and BeeZee Vision – Ecuador was permanently disbanded, and all accounts were either terminated or renegotiated under BeeZee Vision, LLC™.

The Digital Marketing and Computer Repair Services were fully discontinued and instead the focus shifted to the BeeZee Vision’s Web Development tools and services.  Also, the BZVR360™ services were put on hold because due to physical time limitations.  The decision was made to shore BZVweb™, which was an already existing automated Professional Web Development Digital Marketplace.  By this time the consumer market was embracing automated type of services, therefore BZVweb™ became the main artery for BeeZee Vision, LLC™.


BZVweb™ provides automated services such as web domains, hosting, servers, and web security tools 24/7-365.  BZVweb™ became the optimal solution to keep operations running, because of Marcelo’s military duties became increasingly demanding as he continued rising through the ranks.  Meanwhile, David was the sole person holding the company’s operations afloat and provided a number of face-to-face customized web development services.

As Marcelo neared his retirement after 20 years of Active-Duty service in the U.S. Navy, BeeZee Vision, LLC™ is getting a recalibration of services both in person and automated.   Today, BeeZee Vision, LLC™ nears the company’s 11th year anniversary, Marcelo’s vision is being recalibrated into what it was originally envisioned when he first conceptualized BeeZee Vision to be when he lived in Hawaii.  “BeeZee” is Marcelo’s military nickname, and what we are witnessing is today as tangible rea it is his vision.


His vision was to give a unified platform not only as a web development company, but also as a multimedia enterprise.  The term multimedia also focuses on printed, artistic, literary, technological, and educational media. BeeZee Vision, LLC™ is a company like no other, and it is the prime example of the American Dream, and how perseverance and an evolving vision can allow a company to survive for well over a decade, and we are looking forward to much brighter future!

What is next? 

BeeZee Vision, LLC™ is evolving!  If you’ve been following its social media sites, you’ll see a lot more content being added, particularly with our Daily Tech-Tips.  Below is the outlook for what 2024 else is in store to celebrate BeeZee Vision, LLC™’s 11th Anniversary!

- The main BeeZee Vision, LLC™ website will become a portal of all the many facets under BeeZee Vision, LLC™ as a catalyst for artistic expression through multimedia and web development technology, and professional networking.  Get your MyBZV account today!

- BZVweb™ under will become focus on all web design & development services, which includes automated and customized packages to meet any customer demands from beginning to pro.  In-person survives available by appointment in the Hampton Roads area in Virginia, and world-wide through video conferencing.

- BZVR360™ will be available by appointment only in the Hampton Roads are in Virginia.  This includes aerial photography, particularly useful for real state and tourism.

- A growing BeeZee Vision YouTube channel, with a lot of new videos about tech and future podcasts.

-BeeZee Vision professional’s network!  Part of the Half Life CrisisArts Network but expanded for artists and non-artists which compliment multimedia services and content providers.  Also, proudly featuring the Sammy Baqueroalvarez Art Gallery.

-Exclusive content on our Patreon and Buy Me a Coffee sites.  BeeZee Vision, LLC™ is a family business, and through these outlets our customers can get to know us better as an extended family!  There is a lot more to BeeZee Vision, LLC™ than what meets the eye.

-Digital Marketplace for exclusive BeeZee Vision, LLC™ and friends of BeeZee Vision, LLC™ merchandise!

-BeeZee Vision, LLC Rewards program under “BZV Reward$”– where we offer a finder’s fee for customers signing a contract with BeeZee Vision, LLC™.

-Multimedia concept development, which at this point includes our two published books under our banner, and the entire Half Life Crisis™ project.


BeeZee Vision, LLC™ is a company like no other, and most importantly, it focuses on forging lasting relationships with our customers. We look forward working with you!

Web Development BZVweb
Visit BeeZee Vision, LLC

The faces Behind BeeZee Vison 

Brothers J. Marcelo Baqueroalvarez and David R. Baquero Alvarez are the creative minds behind BeeZee Vision, LLC™.  Everything that exists related to this company was originally conceptualized and carried into fruition by the Baqueroalvarez\' brothers.

The brothers were born in the city of San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. They originally moved to Fort Lauderdale, FL-USA in July 1995. They both graduated Fort Lauderdale High School, and the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. Circa that time, they worked together in video production and multimedia at their family business, until they pursued different goals.

In 2013 the brothers incorporated BeeZee Vision, LLC™ in the city of Chesapeake, VA-USA.  The company has evolved from its inception, and for 2024 a culmination of many projects will become a reality by pairing their extensive multimedia experience and evolving technology knowledge.

More importantly, BeeZee Vision, LLC™ empowers its customers to take control of their own message through the use of multimedia and web development tools.  This is not a faceless corporation; this is a family business that represents the American Dream!  

BeeZee Vision, LLC will be 11 years old 2024 -

BeeZee Vision, my other Passion

I founded BeeZee Vision, LLC on July 15, 2003 in the City of Chesapeake, Virginia, USA.  It’s been more than a decade, and today she has my full attention.

HLC BeeZee Vision, LLC - - Our Story

The Story behind BeeZee Vision, LLC™

BeeZee Vision, LLC™ celebrated its 10-year anniversary earlier this year.  It was founded on July 15, 2013, but the concept behind it started in 2005.

The faces Behind BeeZee Vision 

BeeZee Vision, LLC will be 11 years old 2024 -

BeeZee Vision, my other Passion

I founded BeeZee Vision, LLC on July 15, 2003 in the City of Chesapeake, Virginia, USA.  It’s been more than a decade, and today she has my full attention.

HLC Close up Radio - - Our Story

Thank you, Jim Masters & Close-up Radio!

Every long journey starts with a first step, and our started with Close Up Radio!  Thank you for broadcasting our message your wonderful world-audience!

HLC BeeZee Vision, LLC - - Our Story

The Story behind BeeZee Vision, LLC™

BeeZee Vision, LLC™ celebrated its 10-year anniversary earlier this year.  It was founded on July 15, 2013, but the concept behind it started in 2005.

HLC Authoritarianism & Propaganda synopsis - - Original Book

Book Synopsis Authoritarianism & Propaganda

Authoritarianism & Propaganda the Puppet Master Tools is a mind-blowing historical analysis that teaches how to defeat propagandists before they galvanize.

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